RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
May 14, 20203 min read
#146 - Gardening Quick Tips - Reusable Plant Tags
Have you ever grown a garden throughout the summer and then suddenly realized that you do not remember what variety a certain plant was?...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
May 4, 20203 min read
#145 - Brewing A Batch of Vermicompost Tea.
I decided to brew a batch of Vermicompost Tea today to feed the pineapple plants along with some new Areca Palms that I planted a couple...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Jan 16, 20203 min read
#144 - Is Using Wood Chips As A Garden Mulch A Bad Idea?
I had mentioned earlier in a post on Facebook that I will be using wood chips on the pathways between my raised garden beds, and also...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 26, 20196 min read
#142 - Do You Really Have To Build A Compost Pile In Layers?
Setting up a compost pile going by all of the rules that the "experts" have on composting is difficult. All the so-called "experts" out...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 22, 20195 min read
#141 - Making Delicious Yogurt The Easy Way At Home
I have been researching various ways of making fresh yogurt here at home instead of spending so much buying manufactured yogurt from the...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 13, 20197 min read
#140 - Why Verify Your Soil Microbiology?
One of my neighbors came over yesterday as I was preparing some slides for the microscope from samples that I collected from my soil and...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 7, 20193 min read
#138 - Step-By-Step Active Composting - Final Day
I had to take a break from the compost piles yesterday as I was not feeling good so I did not get to turn them on their regular schedule....