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ARRL “QN” CW Traffic Net Signals

Those marked in RED are for use only by Net Control Stations

QNA  - Answer in prearranged order.



QNB  - Act as relay Between _____ and _____



QNC  - All net stations Copy. I have a message for all net stations.




QND  - Net is Directed (controlled by net control station).




QNE  - Entire net stand by.




QNF  - Net is Free (not controlled).




QNG  - Take over as net control station.




QNH  - Your net frequency is High.




QNI  - Net stations report in.

I am reporting into the net. (Follow with a list or traffic or QRU).



QNJ  - Can you copy me? Can you copy _____?




QNK  - Transmit message for _____ to _____




QNL  - Your net frequency is Low.



QNM  - You are QRMing the net. Stand by.



QNN  - Net control station is _____ What station has net control?



QNO  - Station is leaving the net.



QNP  - Unable to copy you. Unable to copy _____



QNQ  - Move frequency to _____ and wait for _____ to finish handling traffic. Then send him traffic for _____


QNR  - Answer _____ and Receive traffic.



QNS  - Following Stations are in the net. *(Follow with list.) Request list of stations in the net.




QNT  - I request permission to leave the net for _____ minutes.




QNU  - The net has traffic for you. Stand by.



QNV  - Establish contact with _____ on this frequency. If successful, move to _____ and send him traffic for _____




QNW  - How do I route messages for _____?



QNX  - You are excused from the net.*

Request to be excused from the net.



QNY  - Shift to another frequency (or to _____ kHz) to clear traffic with _____




QNZ   - Zero beat your signal with mine.

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